On Sunday, 14 de February de 2010 23:24:51 Marco Martin wrote:
> On Sunday 14 February 2010, Zack Rusin wrote:
> > On Sunday 14 February 2010 15:33:04 Marco Martin wrote:
> > > for a really generic thing, i fear something would be needed at the
> > > level
> > > 
> > >  of QSvg.
> > > 
> > > and always will have some approximate results.
> > > QSvg should do something like:
> > > -when rendering a shape, always adjust its bounding rect to the pixel
> > > grid. -if it has a border adjust the bounding rect of the border
> > > instead would probably yeld slightly better, even if not perfect
> > > results.
> > 
> > I'm not sure if I see what you're saying because it seems that you're
> > advocating doing the opposite of what you're trying to do =)
> > You can't snap to a pixel grid, that's because SVG's aren't created on a
> > pixel grid, e.g if the viewport is 0.5, 0.5 to 31.5, 31.5 and we snap it
> > to 1,1, 32,32 then the exact problem that you're trying to prevent will
> > happen (pixel bleeding). SVG's, especially in KDE (due to combining
> uhm, yeah, you're rght :/ (eh, of course :p)
> > multiple renderings in one SVG file) virtually never have integer
> > coordinates.
> yeah, passed hours tweaking svgs to align elements inside groups :p

Kudos to Marco on this, you guys have no idea how crazy this can become 
specially because Inkscape likes to do the smallest errors and them qsvg likes 
to make those errors 1 pixel wide.
Marco Rocks :)  

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