kossebau added a comment.

  In D23306#515662 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D23306#515662>, @mak wrote:
  > In D23306#515616 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D23306#515616>, @kossebau 
  > > Thanks! Though reading it, leaves open questions with me:
  > >
  > > - what is meant by "referenced"? only via <launchable>?
  > In modern metainfo files yes, only via `launchable`. However, if a 
component `id` has a .desktop suffix, as was required in the past, and a 
matching .desktop file is found, that also counts as referenced and the 
desktop-entry file will be read.
  As developer trying to write metainfo files, I would welcome this logic also 
documented n the docs. The current content of the docs is confusing to me at 
  >> - if there are two desktop files referenced by <launchable> where one has 
the ignore entry set, will this overrule the "Data will only be fetched from a 
desktop file if one <launchable/> tag is present" rules above?
  > No. A `launchable` tag always beats whatever was defined in the 
desktop-entry file itself, so if there is one launchable tag, the .desktop 
entry file will be taken into consideration no matter what was defined in it 
(to e.g. merge in category information). Any equivalent data in the metainfo 
file beats that of the desktop-entry file though. If there are multiple 
`launchable` entries, the generator has no idea which .desktop file to read, so 
rather than reading any and getting information wrong, it will read none 
(requiring the metainfo author to add all data they want in there explicitly).
  >  This could maybe be made smarter, but tbh this case is so rare that just 
making the metainfo files more complete in such events seems like the better 
  So, in our case here, `<launchable 
type="desktop-id">systemsettings.desktop</launchable>` actually means there is 
no need to add `X-AppStream-Ignore=true` to "kdesystemsettings.desktop" ? 
Because the generators would ignore it already due to a `<launchable>` present 
and pointing to the other desktop file?

  R124 System Settings


To: ngraham, apol, mak, #plasma
Cc: kossebau, plasma-devel, LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, GB_2, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, 
jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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