On 09/11/19 19:35, Rik Mills wrote:
On 10/09/2019 17:21, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
Plasma 5.12.9 LTS
is now released https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.9.php

Kwin to fails to build with Qt 5.9.

Plasma 5.12 should build with 5.9.

 /effects/screenshot/screenshot.cpp:110:15: error: ‘const class QImage’
has no member named ‘sizeInBytes’

but from qt.io

qsizetype QImage::sizeInBytes() const
Returns the image data size in bytes.
This function was introduced in Qt 5.10.

Commit introducing that is 67444e36592e78d46b757a6c72be1d50bdae19e6
[effects/screenshot] Upload data to xpixmap in chunks

sizeInBytes() can be emulated with bytesPerLine() * height().

Would it be possible to adopt the convention "tars are announced a few days before the tag/release" used by Frameworks and Applications also for the Plasma packages?

This could help to avoid re-tagging in case of compilation errors.

Christoph Feck
KDE Release Team

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