> Hello
> is there a way to make kde plasma desktop works with multiscreen:
> 6 screens


> with one X server on each?


> kquitapp plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop --display :18.1
> .......
> kquitapp plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop --display :18.5

> but if I try to start a seconf one on screen1

There is your problem.

> plasma-desktop --display :18.1
> I have the following error
> plasma-desktop-screen- (27164): KUniqueApplication: Can't setup D-Bus
> service.
> plasma-desktop-screen- (27165): KUniqueApplication: Can't setup D-Bus
> service.
> plasma-desktop-screen- (27168): KUniqueApplication: Can't setup D-Bus
> service.
> plasma-desktop-screen- (27170): KUniqueApplication: Can't setup D-Bus
> service.
> plasma-desktop-screen-(27171): KUniqueApplication: Can't setup D-Bus
> service.
That's because the service is already taken because you are trying to run 2
plasma-desktop processes. You can't do that, there should only be one
process for the n number of screens that you have. I use multiscreen for 2
monitors, (nvidia's TwinView) to have 2 different desktops, with one X
process, and one plasma process.

That's the way that it should be done. Multihead isn't really supported or
maintained for kde and it really shouldn't be used.

And personally, I don't see the point of running a multihead configuration
just to achieve multiscreen. You lose any benefits that you would have had
without it, and what do you gain? Xinerama should be able to support
everything you need..

KDE Developer,
Shaun Reich
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