broulik added a comment.

  > AFAICT it doesn't reload the mpris state in the content-script immediately 
when settings change, can that be implemented?
  First we need D24203 <>.
  It might be tricky to properly unload e.g. the media sessions stuff, but I 
can look into this.
  Actually, I wanted to implement "live" settings changes for the other 
settings (like breeze scroll bars and what not) in a later step, too, for which 
D24203 <> is a prerequisite.


> fvogt wrote in action_popup.js:20
> `getCurrentTabUrl()`

The class is named `TabUtils` but I can change the method if you want..

> fvogt wrote in action_popup.js:46
> Maybe `runAt: "document_start"` to speed it up a bit? I'm not sure about the 
> implications.

Don't think this will change much, given it is only executed when you click the 
toolbar button, at which point the page is probably already loaded, but I'll 
give it a try

> fvogt wrote in action_popup.js:62
> Whitespace?

Intentional, for a bit of visual grouping

> fvogt wrote in action_popup.js:118
> Currently calling `set(domain, false);` twice has a different result from 
> `set(domain, false);` once, so maybe split into `whitelist(domain)` and 
> `blacklist(domain)`)?

Imho the caller shouldn't have to care about whether it needs to be whitelisted 
or removed from the blacklist. The whitelist is only so that the user can 
opt-in to websites which we by default blacklist.

> fvogt wrote in content-script.js:68
> Is this guaranteed to be identical to `new 
> URL(window.location.href).hostname` as used in utils?

Good question, no idea, probably. :)

  R856 Plasma Browser Integration


To: broulik, #plasma, #vdg, fvogt, ognarb
Cc: plasma-devel, LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, jraleigh, fbampaloukas, GB_2, 
ragreen, ZrenBot, alexeymin, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, 
abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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