ngraham added a comment.

  In D24321#540896 <>, @cullmann wrote:
  > I don't get why we want to introduce artifacts we can very simple avoid by 
using a different base for the steps.
  >  Is 0.0625 really that much worse than 0.05?
  I'll investigate this in a follow-up patch. My only reservation is that 0.05 
is a much more "round" value to show in the user interface compared to 0.0625. 
I'll see what I can do with it.

  R104 KScreen


To: ngraham, #vdg, #plasma, romangg, ndavis
Cc: dhaumann, davidedmundson, ouwerkerk, GB_2, ndavis, cullmann, plasma-devel, 
LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, jraleigh, fbampaloukas, ragreen, ZrenBot, ngraham, 
alexeymin, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, 
apol, mart

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