ahiemstra added a comment.

  > now has the order main action, left, right. before was left, main right.
  >  it does change a bit the behavior, tough i see the point of making sure 
that the main action is always the last being hidden (i wonder how it would be 
making it hide last even if not the last)
  While working on it, I realised that the left, main, right order actually 
doesn't make sense when placed in the toolbar, considering the main action is 
the most important action and normal order would be left-to-right with the most 
imporant on the leftmost place. It is easy enough to change back but I do 
consider this more "correct".
  > testing it i did find a major problem: if i resize the window quickly 
(kirigami gallery 2 columns mode) when it goes from icon+text to just icon, the 
window freezes for an instant, seems quite expensive, while before didn't do 
  >  from the code nothing should have gotten particularly worse, so not sure 
how to debug
  The main cause for this I believe is in the toolbar header file. It currently 
removes the overflow actions from the main action list when switching to the 
icon-only layout, which causes removal/recreation of hidden actions used for 
layout. I've been looking at implementing this behaviour in the actual 
actiontoolbar, which hopefully removes the need for all of that and speed up 
things. It's why this is still WIP. :)

  R169 Kirigami



To: ahiemstra, #kirigami, ngraham
Cc: mart, ngraham, plasma-devel, fbampaloukas, GB_2, domson, dkardarakos, apol, 
ahiemstra, davidedmundson, hein

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