On March 23, 2010, Rob Hasselbaum wrote:
> Is there any way to restart Plasma as part of a package installation
> or upgrade? 

yes, but i don't think you want to do this in this case.

> I have a data engine that interacts with a D-Bus system
> bus service, which gets installed at the same time. Unfortunately, the
> data engine and applet don't start correctly when they're first
> installed. It seems the data engine can't activate or communicate with
> the D-Bus service until I restart Plasma, which seems to give it
> enough of a kick that things work fine after that. (Not sure why
> restarting Plasma should affect D-Bus in this way, but it does.)

my guess would be that the dbus service does not exist yet. the code probably 
just needs to track the service coming and going. in fact, given your 
description, i assume that it probably also breaks if you stop the service and 
start it again while plasma-* is running.

see kdebase/workspace/plasma/desktop/runners/plasma-desktop for a small and 
simple example of how to watch for a dbus service being available.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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