mart added a comment.

  In D26354#589642 <>, @ngraham wrote:
  > In D26354#589352 <>, @mart wrote:
  > > also a component like that back then was chosen to not be added by 
purpose in part because gesture-wise conflicts with the navigate back of pagerow
  > Personally I don't find Kirigami's 
swipe-left-and-right-to-navigate-through-the-stack gestures to be very useful. 
You generally only ever use a swipe to go
  I would really not want to have to have an explicit back button. I find both 
going back by gesture and having a non destructive back action so that you can 
undo it a very central thing, to which i'll never renounce.
  > This would suggest to me that we need to add these gestures to an even 
higher level component, or to add this to a BasicLictItem with 
`leftSwipeAction:` and `rightSwipeAction` properties or something, kind of like 
how SwipeListItem shows buttons on desktop. That way it the component would 
have buttons on desktop, and use the specified swipe actions on mobile 
  SwipeListItem should just trigger when there is only one action, really (and 
that one doesn't conflict because the swipe is from the screen edge)

  R169 Kirigami


To: cblack, #vdg, #kirigami, mart
Cc: mart, ouwerkerk, ngraham, plasma-devel, fbampaloukas, GB_2, domson, 
dkardarakos, apol, ahiemstra, davidedmundson, hein

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