Kai Uwe
* Attempted again to upload it to Opera store but their review process
is super annoying and not worth my time
* Media Controller now supports a "proxy process", i.e.
plasma-browser-integration is preferred over Chrome's built-in broken
MPRIS, if available
* Notifications focus the application window in case there is no default action
    * This makes e.g. Thunderbird new mail notification at least
raise/unminimize the Thunderbird window, if it is open
* Updated docbook for new KCM
* "Plasma Workspace" category in notification settings is now at the top
* When Bluetooth pairing succeeds a notification is now shown instead
of a dialog Finsihed page one has to actively dismiss
* Added Breeze icon for DrKonqi backtrace save files
* Rewrote KDED KCM in QtQuick making it much nicer and more user-friendly

David E
* There's been some plasma 5.18 drama. A few important bug fixes throughout.
** A crash in the system settings homescreen
** A crash on kscreenlocker opening with no shortcut assigned
** Fixed a bug that was marked as "major" with the calculator applet
not rendering some numbers nicely
** I've been trying to go through all the bugs marked as "major", as a
general comment I'd like it if we could make more use of those status
fields for internal tracking
* and I did some minor animation tweaks - I had my settings on super
slow for some kwin bug fix, and then there's so many little things
which really stand out
* also, ping regarding Diff 25326 "Move Plasma's SortFilterProxyModel
into KItemModel's QML plugin" [Needs Review]

* Got the use of the new dialogue merged for plasma-desktop in time
for the 5.18 beta, much excitement!
* Next excitement: Getting the OCS KAccounts support working, which means...
  * Reworking the attica-kde plugin
  * Some work in KNewStuff to actually expose the creation of comments
  * Also a touch of reworking of the voting workflow (because that
used to be all manner of spam-vote-prone, so voting will in the future
not be possible from the list, only from the details view, putting a
natural throttle on the number of votes people can reasonably make,
which will work with a server-side throttle on posts)
* Also turns out that translation is super awkward (also water is
wet), and if people who are more aware of the intricacies of that are
able to weigh in on https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=415541 that
would be appreciated...

Fabian Vogt:
* Fix font rendering when compiled against Qt >= 5.14" [Needs
Revision] https://phabricator.kde.org/D26185

Nico Fe:
Did some stuff in KNotification:
* Added a new signal so that we can get rid of an overloaded one D26771
   Diff 26771 "Add new signal for default action activation"
[Accepted] https://phabricator.kde.org/D26771
* Helped Hannah get rid of the KCodecs dependency
* Investigated what API in QSystemTrayIcon is missing before we kan
kill KStatusNotifierItem
** Mostly Tooltip text/icons, active/passive state and categories
* Ported some apps away from KNotifications API we want to get rid of
* Removed godaweful fallback in KNotifications
    Diff 26604 "Check if there is an activatable service when
notification service owner
 changes" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D26604
    Diff 26605 "Remove fallback to KPassivePopup" [Needs Review]
* Worked around elementary OS' notification center not supporting
actions in KDE Connect

* from me, the 5.18 beta is out and needs testing and bugfixing until release

# Discover
* fix some layout bugs in the reviews page
# Breeze
* Scrollbar redesign to adapt to the new consistent look and behavior
of scrollview now the same between qml and qwidgets, spreaded between
breeze, kirigami, qqc2-desktop-style, plasma-framework, and new look
when is on mobile devices
# QML grabber
* Fixed grabbing of drawers in the qml grabber used to generate videos
on the HIG website
# Kirigami
* adapt scrollbars on the fly between touch and mouse
* many fixes regarding the scrollbar behavior change

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