On 02/13/20 08:42, Ben Cooksley wrote:
Part of the issue here is that Plasma has been known to add API to
Frameworks and then immediately, without any delay, start using it
(pretty much always breaking CI in the process)

This means that other changes are likely being pushed into Frameworks
by Plasma with very little delay as well.

Consequently this means stuff is landing in Framework repositories up
to the very moment it is released - a release that the next version of
Plasma (LTS) then depends on.

A better way of approaching this would be to freeze the Frameworks
version you are going to require API wise at an earlier point in the
Plasma development cycle. This would allow for a full Frameworks
release cycle to pass where bugs encountered during the lead up to the
Plasma release can be fixed.

You can find bugs in new code best if you are actually using it. I doubt that delaying using new API would help much.

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