vkrause added a comment.

  In D27525#614905 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D27525#614905>, @apol wrote:
  > > Assets (QML files and icons) are no longer extracted into the file system,
  > >  but now are available in the android_rcc_bundle QRC file.
  > Meaning that we now need to change all applications to put the resources on 
the rcc file?
  No, androiddeployqt does that on its own. So overall the apk still has 
exactly the same content, just the way to access it changed. It is possible 
apps make assumption about this, some of the frameworks definitely do.
  > The change upstream seems bonkers to me. Whatever, let's get this in. We'll 
possibly need to patch quite many apps for this... :(
  > Also feels quite weird how the commit message is twice the same text but it 
never says why it's done. 
  > ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  It's avoiding duplicating the assets again in the file system, thus needing 
less space and significantly speeding up the first start. So while technically 
going in the right direction I would certainly have preferred to have this as 
something opt-in to not break all existing non-trivial code out there...

  R169 Kirigami


To: vkrause
Cc: apol, plasma-devel, fbampaloukas, GB_2, domson, dkardarakos, ngraham, 
ahiemstra, davidedmundson, mart, hein

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