Dear Plasma developers,

I am a student who wants to participate in the Google Summer of Code 2020 
program. Currrently, I have an idea of my own, so I want to discuss with a 
mentor to validate that my idea is worthy for the program. After discussing 
with valerie on the #kde-soc channel on freenode, I was instructed to use this 
mailing list as a way to contact possible mentors.
My idea is that I want to integrate a set-and-forget module for automatic 
look-and-feel themes changing corresponding to the time in the day. For 
example, if it is after 6pm, the module will change the theme to a user-chosen 
dark theme. The closest resemblance application I know that have the same 
functionalities is AutomaThemely ( 
However, AutomaThemely still has some problems (eg., only automatically 
switching at login).
If you think this is a good idea and are willing to mentor me in GSoC 2020, 
please reply to this email ASAP. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerly,
Huu-Nghia H. Nguyen
Ho Chi Minh University of Science
E // (
P // 0908 112 552 (tel:0908%20112%20552)

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