ngraham added a comment.

  In D27669#640473 <>, @cblack wrote:
  > In D27669#639569 <>, @ngraham 
  > > Anyway I worked around that in D27669 
<>, and I guess it's not really a huge deal 
for toolbar icons.
  > >
  > > One thing I notice is that the bottom separator line for the titlebar 
isn't drawn for 3rd-party apps where there is no Tools Area. Maybe to do this, 
we could have the decoration theme draw the line by default unless specifically 
told not to by the widget theme, and then the widget theme could tell it not to 
because it will be drawing the separator underneath the menubar or toolbar (as 
  > >
  > > Thoughts?
  > Apps liiike? The QStyle should draw a decoration line regardless of the 
presence of a toolbar/menubar area.
  Like every 3rd-party app not using Qt or GTK. ...Which are principally 
Electron apps these days, I guess. But there are a handful of important apps 
not using Qt, GTK, or Electron, such as Blender. I've got a few others 
installed like ChiTuBox and SpiderOak One. Also Telegram, which is a Qt app, 
doesn't get a line below its titlebar.
  My idea to have the decoration theme draw the separarator line unless 
explicitly told not to because the QStyle or breeze-GTK theme is drawing it 
itself is intended to avoid having to play whack-a-mole with all the different 
3rd-party apps out there.

  R31 Breeze


To: cblack, #plasma, #breeze, #vdg, hpereiradacosta, davidre
Cc: maartens, abstractdevelop, IlyaBizyaev, davidre, davidedmundson, 
hpereiradacosta, ngraham, manueljlin, niccolove, ndavis, plasma-devel, Orage, 
LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, cblack, jraleigh, zachus, fbampaloukas, GB_2, 
ragreen, ZrenBot, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, 
sebas, apol, ahiemstra, mart

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