On May 23, 2010, Rhapsody wrote:
> On 23/05/10 18:08, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> > As far as I know, it is intentional, that is, it is not a bug.
> > 
> > From my point of view, this is something that we can make configurable
> > (there already is a configuration page in system settings>  application
> > appearance> icons>  advanced, *but the size setting is disabled*)
> My exact response to the highlighted part was to scream "What?!? You

discuss things constructively with facts. keep the posturing and hysterics for 
the user forums and blog comments. this mailing list is a productivity zone, 
and i do not tolerate it straying from that.

thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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