davidedmundson resigned from this revision.
davidedmundson added a comment.

  Ah, I see.
    name: "Search"
          PropertyChanges {
              target: tabBar
              opacity: 0
  It's opacity zero, but technically still visible,  still enabled and with the 
same valid size. That sounds super weird :/
  But it means our mousearea is active and now I understand why you're saying 
it shouldn't be. Gotcha (in future longer commit messages can help make 
reviewing a bit faster)
  Surely then it'd still be active in the tabfocus chain too? And our property 
change should update enabled on tabbar too?

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: trmdi, #plasma, hein, ngraham
Cc: davidedmundson, ngraham, bugseforuns, dginovker, plasma-devel, Orage, 
LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, cblack, jraleigh, zachus, fbampaloukas, ragreen, 
ZrenBot, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, 
apol, ahiemstra, mart

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