ksmanis added a comment.

  I gave it some thought and I would be reluctant to introduce one more fuzzy 
(as in ambiguous) state.
  More specifically, right now, we have four states: "Shown when relevant", 
"Always shown", "Always hidden", and "Disabled". Without having gone through 
the source code, I can guess what the latter three mean, but "Shown when 
relevant" is context-specific (and the reason this patch came to be). If we 
introduce another state, let's call it "Show when configured", we will just 
exacerbate the problem, because it is not immediately clear what it means. For 
instance, for the Bluetooth applet, does "configured" mean that I powered my 
adapter or maybe that I configured at least one device? As a user, both of them 
make sense to me, but again they are context-specific. Therefore, if we want to 
move in this direction of pleasing everyone, I suggest we delegate this 
responsibility to the applet itself where the context is clear. In this way, 
the Bluetooth applet could define relevance (in "Shown when relevant") as: 
"Show when adapter is powered", "Show when devices are configured", or "Show 
when devices are connected". This could be done in the applet's config dialog 
without breaking the current "interface" (i.e., the four current states).
  If we want to keep things simple, I suggest we make the status quo consistent 
by defining relevance as a dynamic event that requires the user's attention. In 
the context of the Bluetooth applet, that would mean a device was connected. In 
the context of vaults, that would mean I opened one of them. Having configured 
a Bluetooth device or having created a vault is pretty much a steady state for 
most users (as in you only do it once); I don't think anyone goes around 
setting up things over and over again. In that case, we are pretty much in the 
"Always shown" domain.
  - Do you want to keep things simple? Maintain the status quo but iron out any 
  - Do you want to accommodate all needs? Delegate to the applets where the 
context is clear.

  R845 Plasma Vault


To: ksmanis, #plasma, #vdg, ivan
Cc: ngraham, plasma-devel, Orage, LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, cblack, 
jraleigh, zachus, fbampaloukas, ragreen, ZrenBot, himcesjf, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, ahiemstra, mart

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