El dijous, 30 d’abril de 2020, a les 21:31:02 CEST, Ben Cooksley va escriure:
> On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 6:04 AM Ivan Čukić <ivan.cu...@kde.org> wrote:
> >
> > > We have made a big fuss in the past about having different projects
> > > that do the same thing and now we'll have that but also we'll have
> > > several projects with the same name?
> > > It really feels off to me and I wonder if this is related to the move to
> > > gitlab.
> >
> > +1 to both sentiments - that projects should have different names and that
> > this is a bit off topic for the gitlab migration.
> The projects *DO* have very different names. That *HAS NOT* changed.
> To use the example Bhushan gave above, one is called Plasma Mobile
> Dialer and the other one is called Maui Dialer.
> With the current git.kde.org setup, we have a flat namespace, so all
> repositories if the name appears to be generic (as dialer is) have to
> be namespaced by prefixing of the repository name.
> With Gitlab however we will now namespaces that group repositories,
> making the prefixing unnecessary and as some projects have complained
> about, duplicative.
> Otherwise you end up with plasma-mobile/plasma-mobile-dialer as your
> path, which just looks silly.

Am I the only person that just has all the repos on the same folder? I thought 
it was the common thing to do :?


> >
> > Cheers,
> > Ivan
> >
> >
> Regards,
> Ben
> >
> > --
> > dr Ivan Čukić
> > i...@cukic.co, https://cukic.co/
> > gpg key fingerprint: 8FE4 D32F 7061 EA9C 8232  07AE 01C6 CE2B FF04 1C12
> >
> >

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