cblack marked 5 inline comments as done.
cblack added inline comments.


> davidedmundson wrote in kcm.cpp:94
> what's this for?

used as a hook for QML to know when the KCM needs to apply

> davidedmundson wrote in kcm.cpp:97
> This is an odd method name.
> I don't really understand what it's doing, some sort of title casing?

taking the initials of a user's real name

> davidedmundson wrote in kcm.cpp:121
> so who cleans this up?

whoever is normally cleaning up tempfiles

> davidedmundson wrote in usermodel.cpp:72
> why are we resetting the whole model instead of just dataChanged() on the 
> relevant row

i couldn't figure out how to use those correctly. some help would be 

> davidedmundson wrote in usermodel.cpp:78
> The ones not logged in will be sorted randomly.
> Also note that if the intention is to have your user at the top, this check 
> won't suffice as you can have 2 things logged in.

> Also note that if the intention is to have your user at the top, this check 
> won't suffice as you can have 2 things logged in.

loggedIn compares the UID of the user to the UID of the currently running 
program, which means only one user can be logged in at a time by our metric.

> davidedmundson wrote in usermodel.cpp:96
> this is marked as done, yet I can't see where ?

users are parented to the model, which will use normal QObject destructor 
behaviour to clean them

  R119 Plasma Desktop



To: cblack, #plasma, #vdg, ngraham
Cc: mart, yurchor, iasensio, meven, crossi, The-Feren-OS-Dev, davidedmundson, 
broulik, filipf, ngraham, nicolasfella, zzag, plasma-devel, Orage, LeGast00n, 
cblack, jraleigh, zachus, fbampaloukas, ragreen, ZrenBot, himcesjf, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, ahiemstra

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