First: any blocker for 5.19:
there seems to be a crash in systemmonitor charts
KDE bug 421623 in frameworks-kquickcharts (general) "Plasmashell crash
probably related o kquickcharts or Ksysguard plasmoids" [normal,]

Kai Uwe
* Refactored free disk space warning to use critical notification
    * I kept missing my disk running full while compiling large projects :D
    * Also can monitor Root now, if on separate partition from Home
(could this cause issues on live ISO or squashfs stuff?)
    * Please review D29770
    Diff 29770 "[Free Space Notifer] Use critical notification instead
of tray icon and monitor     Root, too" [Accepted]
* Don't take into account "updated time" when sorting, so updating a
notification is atomic as required by spec, please review D29771
    Diff 29771 "[Notifications] Don't take updated time into account
for sorting" [Needs Review]
* Installation reminder now also advertises for Brave and Vivaldi
(they just use Chrome store)
* Added back ability to send tel: URLs to your phone (now with proper call icon)
* Fixed (I hope) kwin rules KCM translations
* Profiled kwin rules KCM startup slowness, did D29775, needs some fixing
    Diff 29775 "[kcmkwin/kwinrules] Create RulesModel on demand"
[Changes Planned]
    * It spends considerable amount of time re-evaluating bindings on
translation load here :/
* Fixed jump list actions not working on KRunner results in Kickoff
due to refactoring services runner to use ApplicationLauncherJob
* Added systemd unit for kded
* Started a task to brainstorm better defaults for ultra-wide screens: T13156
    Task 13156 "Better support for ultra-wide screens" [Open,Needs
Triage] {VDG}

* My Flickable bugfix got merged
* Another Flickable bugfix still in review
* Another flickable bug is on my todo this week if $work allows
* Did some more maintainance on the Android stuff
* Including updating the F-Droid packaging for KTrip
* Especially getting kconfigcompiler working was "fun"
* There's a few things to review:
    Diff 29420 "Generate DBus interface" [Needs Review]
    Diff 28312 "Implement urls using hints" [Needs Review]
    Diff 29390 "Respect QIcon::fallbackSearchpaths()" [Needs Review]

David E
* Last week we had a super duper major regression in plasma-framework
* that led to crashes coming in at quite a high rate
* It was in the IconItem port, I think a lesson learned there is that
maybe trying to minimise QObject usage isn't necessarily a good idea
if it leads to non-RAII code, fixed in c215c54ec
* In terms of my work, I've been all out on wayland clipboard stuff
* I've fixed firefox's clipboard, klipper's clipboard (nearly) and
middle click paste clipboard
* the new kwayland-server approach using QtWaylandScanner for
generation is going really well so far- it's easily half the amount of
code for the same thing. Less if you count the new policy on making
client APIs
* so I'm happy with how that's progressing
* from a kwin usage POV, it's basically the same thing - we're just
changing how we do things internally on the kwayland wrappers

* so main thing we did last week was merging the system monitor
plasmoids and some fallout from that
* there were some translation fixes
* and an issue with snaps that are apparently mounted as loop devices
which would cause way too many partition sensors to be created
* I also spent about half a day digging for that crash in IconItem
that d_ed mentioned, luckily it was fairly simple to reproduce
* and work is ongoing with a new version of ksysguard, hopefully that
can make it in for plasma 5.20

* As you might've already heard, Gitlab move is done \o/
* .arcconfig files from plasma have been removed
Some discussion arised:
Nico: Given that Plasma bugs are still on bugs.k.o we should consider
closing gitlab issues for Plasma
David: Can you confirm how we should monitor for review requests?
bhushan: eventual plan is to subscribe a mailing list or something to
merge requests, but for now you can watch specific projects/groups
David: as plasma policy if a newcomer opens a new phab should we tell
them to close it and go to gitlab?
Marco: I think so
Aleix: if it's a no-brainer it could be accepted too
Nico: But what does readonly mean? Can we still review old stuff there?
Bhushan: read-only as-in static copy
Bhushan: We have few questions at this point
  - Do we want to keep issues enabled and use them for "tasks"?
  - Do we want to have separate "tasks" boards under ?
Nico: vote for 2
Marco: vote for 2
Bhushan: Also we sysadmins will be "linking" bugzilla to projects in
future: see for example
Arjen: I'd keep tasks linked to the actual projects, imo that makes
them more likely to actually be seen otherwise there's yet another
thing to keep track of
Bhushan: Agree

* Been looking at screencast stuff, you can look at the many patches
I'm juggling there
* stil lagreeing at protocol
* other than that, I'd like to look into stability things for 5.19
* (RemoteDesktop = Screencast + Remote input at XDP and KWin level)
it's changing from offering a Buffer as defined by KWayland to
offering PipeWire buffers
* as is it allows to cast a window as well as just the output you see
* so we should be able to do things e.g. like thumbnails

David R
* Not much else than the qt patch  that took me some time for digging
and understanding. Otherwise small things and bugfixes for shortcuts
kcm as expected.
* I looked into merging standard shortcuts kcm into global one for a
unified shortcut kcm
* My idea would be to have Standard shortcuts as a new section and
then categorize the standardshorrcuts
* Unfortunately it's not super straightforward because q/k
concatenate*model doesn't support trees
* So I either have to change my model structure, write my own model
that combines two models or stuff everything into one model even
though it's data from two sources
* Anyways I will try to work on that this week

# Plasma
* Landed services runner and systemsettings: now krunner launches kcms
in systemsettings
* Landed system monitor refactor \o/
** added spearate per-face i18n catalogs
** finished touches for knewstuff integration, the two custom faces on
the store are updated
* investigated a bit the super oddd kwallet breakage, it's interaction
between latest dfaure patch and a patch debian derivatives use
* on the VHI bug list: attempted to give a go in making touchpad
scroll desktop switching saner, still failed so far really not enough
information to *exactly* know what's going on
# Kirigami
* Finished and landed the ImageColors component, to generate palettes
out of images with k-means clustering
* some pixel fixing in overlaysheet

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