David R
* I started working on lockscreen kcm porting it to qml
* Aside from that fixed an annoyance when combobox had a scrollbar
* d_ed wanted to review models in shortcuts kcm

Kai Uwe
* Can now toggle do not disturb by middle clicking notification icon
* Did a proof of concept push to talk feature to aid online meetings:
    * It uses keyboard repeat which isn't very ideal... e.g. causes
Telegram to spam between away and online because the window briefly
loses focus when X does the transient grab for shortcut.. can't think
of a better way though
* Did a small blog post about Plasma sprint on the weekend:
    * Wil send PowerDevil notes out to ml later

 - Plasma Virtual Sprint
 - Added labels in  Plasma group to aid in review workflow :
 - https://phabricator.kde.org/T13285 Virtual Sprint feedback
    Task 13285 "Plasma virtual sprint 2020 feedback" [Open,Needs
Triage] {Akademy Tools,Plasma} https://phabricator.kde.org/T13285
 - Please help akademy team by answering all questions there (Even if
it worked smoothly for you, please state hardware software used by
 - I will work out little bit more on notifications watcher thing as
discussed yesterday

David E
* I've been fixing up some issues with the .0 release
* there was a race condtion on system tray icon startup
* and a few problems with the new system monitor applets
* bugzilla is very busy right now :/
* but it always is after a release
* I don't think I have too much new to say as there was a sprint yesterday!
* I've typed up a load of notes onto the ML

I mainly did some stuff on ksysguard
* can't recall precisely what tbh ^^
* then there was the plasma sprint
* which was nice
* I may also have started an experiment regarding the qt style
stuff... but at this moment it's too early to tell if that's going to
go anywhere

* continued with treeview out of kdescendantsproxymodel
* plasma desktop scripting now support accessing read only the applet geometry
* systemmonitor faces now supports sensors as regular expressions (to
make easiers to have graphs with for instance all the cpu cores)
* helping on polishing work for the new ksysguardqml app, espedially
some graphical fixes in the face config UI

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