Check out the Legacy Kickoff extension on the KDE store.

On Mon, 22 Feb, 2021, 18:51 Matthias Pauschel, <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you for making KDE-neon, it's amazing!
> Recent *Application Launcher 2.0* however is awful, can you please
> provide settings to return to the older, more structured version?
> Furthermore, unfortunately, the Global Fractional Scaling isn't supported
> -- which makes its menu-structures hard to read on high-dpi screens.
> Best regards, MP
> --
> Dieser e-Brief enthält meine Digitale Signatur,
> welche eine zweifelsfreie Absenderzuordnung und
> Dokumentenunversehrtheitsprüfung ermöglicht, womit
> ohne Unterschrift Rechtsgültigkeit hergestellt wird.
> Matthias Pauschel • Schönefeld 11 • D-46045 Oberhausen

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