
Currently, KWaylandServer library is a collection of convenience Qt wrappers around Wayland protocols. The issue with such a design is that the bulk of work needs to be still done in the compositor, for example it still needs to deal with importing client buffers, setting up the session, handling of input and drm devices, launching xwayland, etc.

I believe that a better design will involve offloading all non-kwin features from kwin to kwaylandserver:

* kwin code base will be leaner. All window management features will be in kwin, while low level specific bits will be well contained in kwaylandserver

* it's a more reusable design in general; this allows writing domain specific wayland compositors easier, for example for tv, mobile, etc

* the implementation of some wayland protocols will become a bit more straightforward. At the moment, due to odd split of functionality between kwin and kwaylandserver, it's not clear what the best way to implement some protocols or features is, e.g. presentation feedback, linux dma-buf, popup grabs, etc

* it's a safer design choice in long term. Currently, things go quite well in kwin, but just in case something goes wrong and we decide to start a new Wayland compositor, we won't have to write low level components such as the DRM backend, input device handling, and so on from scratch.



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