Hello all,

after cherry-picking somthing to Plasma/5.22 branch I wanted to make sure it builds fine on build.kde.org. Turns out that it still builds Plasma/5.21.

Apparently the branch metadata was updated, but some jobs on Jenkinks still need starting (documented here [1]). When I asked in #kde-sysadmin because I don't have the necessary permissions to do so, I encountered a bit of frustration. Which I can understand to some degree, considering that it's not the first time this happened and there were 3 releases from 5.22 already. So I wonder how this can be made part of the release process to make sure we have CI coverage for Plasma's stable branches?

[1] https://community.kde.org/Infrastructure/Continuous_Integration_System#Updating_builds_on_switching_the_.22stable.22_branch

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