On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellst...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> On July 13, 2010, Marco Martin wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellst...@shaw.ca>
> wrote:
>> > I'm seeing a couple behaviors I didn't really expect.
>> >
>> > 1. if I let the Applet set an update frequency in connectSource, many
>> > setData's in the data engine just aren't passed on to the Applet. Thats
>> > probably intended, but it is somewhat annoying.
>> setData should immediately update the applet, no matter what.
>> it's normal that an appelt can't force an immediate update but a
>> dataengine should
>> this soundslike a problem, since a chacksourcesupdated is called
>> immediately after a setdata
> From looking at a lot of the qDebug's I've littered around my data engine
> and applet, it seems that setData's are coalesced, or at least are
> sometimes. A few in a row may result in a single dataUpdated, though
> sometimes it may result in a few dataUpdated's.
> But a lot of the time, many of my setData's just aren't triggering an update
> in the applet at all. Or at least setData("source", "key", value) version
> doesn't seem to behave as I expected it to.

they start a qtimer with 0 timeout (so will just be enqueued in the
event quque) if the timer is already running, the setdata will not
reset it, since the update is near anyways.
so there is sime kind of ciomression but not such that it should cause
data loss.
can't make experiments right now but i-ll find out
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