On July 13, 2010, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> a.s. This is a cross-post
> Hi,
> A few notifications and questions.
> 1. The ActivityManager (KDED module) now accepts application name/id
> when the application notifies it that it has opened a document (or any
> other type of resource that has an url)
> If the name is not specified, KWindowInfo is used to try and get it.
> The reason for this is to make it possible to keep track of recently
> opened resources (and all the stats/rating stuff Lukas is working on)
> on a per-application basis.

sounds good.

> 2. Does anyone have objections in automatically linking a resource
> (that the application reports is opened) with the current activity?

this will lead to lots of false positives. a file i open from an email that 
gets sent to me stands a high likeliehood of having nothing to do with the 
activity i'm in. other examples abound.

if automatic linking is implemented, then i think we'll end up needing a 
simple ranking system with documents that were automatically (passively?) 
linked by the system just due to being open with a low ranking, information 
that is accessed as a result of another item associated with an activity (e.g. 
if i have an app or window associated with an activity, then things opened 
with that app / window stand a high chance of being relevant) having a higher 
ranking and items actively marked as having the highest.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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