Carl * Add pane to QQC2-desktop-style: (merged) * Don't use id in QQC2-desktop-style (minor performace improvement): (merged) * Wrote a new simple Kirigami app: * Made icon fallback work with KIconLoader: (please review) * Also started working on an high level purpose api based QQC2.Action
Arjen * I've been working on touch support for the plasma widget explorer * the initial patch is done, but it turned into a deep dive into drag and drop on wayland * which has a bunch of issues * I've solved most of them at this point, but hit a nasty crash * that I've not found a fix for yet * the mr is * I have the crash when dragging between two widgets examples so yes, it'll also crash * it crashes because Qt has deleted the "data_source" object that is used to send data from one application to another * most of the drag and drop work I have done so far is done with qt's drag and drop examples, which are widgets based, but the problems are more fundamental * basically, I started looking at this because drag and drop with touch just didn't really work in plasma * originally, things like dragging icons on the desktop didn't even work properly * that bit is now resolved, but the widget explorer is a different window, which turned out to have a separate set of problems * once I have things working correctly between the example applications I can get back to the widget explorer and test that Hanyoung * * you have main menu A, sub menu B and C. When user selected the option in B or C, auto pop back to A. But user may access B or C again * B and C is expensive to construct Vlad * I fixed a bug where windows shift after changing output layout