On July 14, 2010 10:26:49 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On July 14, 2010, Marco Martin wrote:
> > i think windows outside of the current activity should be hidden from the
> > taskbar, at least by default.
> yes, that makes sense.
> > and this must be done in 4.5,
> only if it can be done in a way that is sensible. it won't be able to be an
> optional thing because we can't introduce new strings in the 4.5 branch, so
> no configuration UI is possible. so if it is added, it needs to absolutely
> work because it will not only be the default ... it won't be able to be
> turned off.

honestly, I hadn't planned to make it an option ever. :)

> that said, i think it may make work well since it's an active user
> selection to associate the window with the activity, and the window won't
> be shown when a different activity is shown.
> what will likely end up becoming a requirement, however, is a way to show
> windows in other activities so that a person may find "that krita window i
> had open ..." without switching to every activity manually. that sounds a
> bit more like something for 4.6, though.

true; I tend to lose windows even just with vdesktops :) logging out properly 
has become far more tedious now that I need to remember to check all desktops 
*and* all activities for unsaved work and session-unfriendly apps.

> > otherwise will cause another ser revolt.
> a user revolt because the windows are shown in the taskbar? seriously?
> will some people complain? sure. will some throw tomatos at us because of
> it? sure, but those people will do that no matter what we do: they are
> just looking for an excuse. (and for that reason i have ~zero interest in
> and respect for them.) let's make decisions that make sense on their own
> merit, not because the "peasants are revolting!".


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