Also adding plasma-devel to the CC

2010/7/15 Stuart Jarvis <>

> Hey guys,
> (copying in Alessandro as he can probably answer the next question)
> Is Plasma Media Center going to be a workspace or an app that runs in
> another
> workspace?
> If it's the latter then we'd better give some serious thought to the
> branding:
> Plasma is the brand for our workspaces and things can get confusing if we
> break with that.
> KDE's product groups:
> Libs -> KDE Platform
> Workspaces -> Plasma Desktop, Plasma Netbook, Plasma Mobile
> Apps -> Many names, but not Plasma something
> Cheers,
> Stu

Hey Stu, first of all thanks for the point which is really important.
Actually, Plasma Media Center is intended as a stand-alone application and
its development is going into this direction. The fact that we call it
Plasma Media Center is due to the use of the Plasma technologies to develop
it. So, probably, your point is valid and we should start thinkin' about a
proper name for it.
I'd like some other Plasma-devs to give their opinion on this.


Alessandro Diaferia
KDE Developer
KDE e.V. member
Plasma-devel mailing list

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