ne 23. 7. 2023 v 12:01 odesílatel Ben Cooksley <> napsal:

> Good morning KDE Developers,
> As many of you will be aware, today Gitlab and our Subversion repository
> were both migrated to a new home - on a more modern and more powerful
> server, which should better support future work.
> As a consequence the host key of the server has now changed, which means
> you will need to take steps on your system otherwise you won't be allowed
> to connect to the new server.
> Please ensure you run the following two commands to clear out any existing
> host keys:
> - ssh-keygen -R -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts
> - ssh-keygen -R ~/.ssh/known_hosts

I suppose you meant
ssh-keygen -R -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts


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