* I think
is good to go now
* And found a way to make the brightness slider much smooth:
* Other than that I've mostly poked frameworks
* Cleaning up kbookmarks and kio_http

* Worked on making Panel and tray icons always be symbolic when using
a theme with symbolic icons.
* Created a ShadowedLabel component and ported everything I found in
Plasma that could use it, to use it.
* Merged work to remove the "globally change (some) icon sizes" project
* I'm a bit unhappy about,
which has caused breakage throughout Plasma and KDE apps
* can we revert it for now to give ourselves time to port stuff away
without it being a high-pressure thing?
[carl created mrs for p-w and p-d porting away, will do
kdeplasma-addons, arjen will do plasma-pa]
* I really want to emphasize here the need to to porting work in a
transparent way. Ideally people not involved in the work should not
even notice that anything has changed. Otherwise it becomes a
firedrill and amps up the pressure and we all end up tense and
stressed out and annoyed at one another. Usages need to be ported
before the thing being ported away from is removed. I've said my
peace, so that's the last time I'll bring it up about this.

* I've been doing some work on stuff that we discussed during the
kirigami bof at Akademy
* the list item MR
( I
would say is ready to go now [nate will rereview]
* I also have a very broken Kirigami locally that is split up into a
bunch of submodules, where I concluded that doing it in one large MR
is going to be incredibly unwieldy
* so I'm instead going to make smaller MRs to introduce individual
submodules and do other cleanups separately

Kai Uwe
Wrote a blog post about my recent experiences and fixes for Plasmsa 6:

Started getting a bunch of “Called object is not of the correct type
(class destructor may have already run)” errors on teardown of
plasmashell and Dolphin, not sure how that cropped up. [marco fixed
some, still more to come]


    Fixed window menu on CSD apps opening offset from the cursor
    Had a look at having Blur effect take into account Window opacity
    Fixed a bunch of issues where KWin would send an intermediate
scale factor causing blurry window contents for a frame or so
    Don’t trigger screen edge during implicit pointer grab, please
        Fixes screne edges triggering when touching the screen edge
while e.g. dragging a scroll bar or text selection
    Looked into porting rest of Plasma::FrameSvg to KSvg::FrameSvg in
KWin (screenedge KCM and screenedge effect)
        Would get rid of the plasma-framework build time dependency \o/
        Can’t figure out how to load plasma SVGs from outside Plasma
through KSvg IconSet, even if I tell it to look in


    Looked into making drag to trigger default action do so only if
the mouse has rested on the popup for a bit
    Dolphin “terminal still running” prompt now plays the message box
warning sound

* Request to add isSessionIdle and isSessionActive properties in
powerdevil, which will be used to activate/disable the ambient light
sensor. Properties are read from login1 and set by some powerdevil
* Introduce 3 preliminary tests for the media controller widget, so
the widget can be ported away from dataengine safely:
* Fix wrong widget order in new panel, again:
* Looking to merging the last_used MRs to enhance the AppChooser experience

* last two weeks was away, so not much
* those past 2 days i've been trying to fix a multiscreen autotest in
plasmashell, and oh boy it was a rabbit hole
* that made me follow a lot of crashes dut=ring teardown of things
(including that warning message on dtor alreadty ran)
* and now looking into the screen order protocol, looking on what why
how slight behavior changes since 5.27

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