* I did a bit of refactoring in powerdevil
* Splitting the monolithic "backend" thing into separate classes
* Splitting the monolithic "backend" thing into separate classes
* Based on Arjen's work on ecm_add_qml_module I ported Kirigami to use
declatative type registration
* (ecm_add_qml_module not landed yet)
* Proposal for new API for KService::property():
* unbroke kwallet after recent change:

* Add a message to the deprecation porting guide that strut arguments
must be in device coordinates:
What do you think of the idea? Most existing users are still using
KWindowSystem::setExtendStruts in KF5, so when they port things they
should notice that.
* While removing the application dashboard, I also looked into
reviving the rotten code in Kicker, replacing custom drag helper and
the odd Kicker.WindowSystem, using declarative KeyNavigation instead
of forceActiveFocus() to handle keyboard navigation. The code should
be simplified now.

[discussion on dropping the dashboard, current code is not
salvageable, but something is needed for 6.0]
[no objection from me to blow up the current one, kinda feel something
new is eventually needed]

Kai Uwe
    Continued on don’t trigger screen edge during implicit pointer grab
    Don’t activate desktop window when it shows up,
        imho is a valid real-world fix (and one that X also has), so I
don’t like that debate of principles it sparked again…
    Fixed crash in ContainmentLayoutManager (5.27)
    Fixed excess padding in user switcher applet, please review
    Fixed config button and global shortcut setting not working in
System Tray (6.0)
    Set default message box icon for confirmation prompt in system
settings, please review (6.0)
    Had a look at my constant KRunner crashes, it’s somewhere with
make current in wayland GL context + decorations + threads but can’t
reproduce now that I have a debugger hooked up and some qdebug added…
    Fixed Dolphin view icon rendering blurry/pixelated with fractional
scaling (Qt 6)
    Fixed Dolphin text color not updating properly when changing the
color scheme, again… (Qt 6)
    KDialog plays a sound on message boxes now, like “proper” message boxes do
    Fixed DialogButtonBox sizing, made the QtQuick Dialogs look broken
        They still don’t resize horizontally (can barely fit three
buttons) but that’s a Qt issue
        imho there’s no way around providing our own
MessageDialogHelper based on KMessageDialog in plasma-integration for
Plasma 6
            even if we fixed Qt for 6.7 (which is a big task because
it needs infra to use widgets without pulling that into the main lib…)
that’s still too late for Plasma 6.0
    KMessageDialog uses the correct sound for warning notifications now
    KConfig reads time stamps in UTC now (new Qt 6.6 API), it’s a few
tens of milliseconds faster on startup :-)
        Next up is KService to shed another 0.1ms or so…
    Worked on a QGuiApplication::setDefaultTextFormat, so we can force
PlainText everywhere, “fun” discussion:
    Working on a QScrollBar::createStandardContextMenu, so a caller
can override the context menu without re-implementing it entirely
        Want to add check boxes for toggling minimap on Kate’s scroll bar
    Kickstarted fixing MessagDialog not working without a Window, cf.
        It’s what broke the “Delete?” confirmation in network settings
    Fixed switching from a shape cursor back to bitmap cursor not
working on Wayland (e.g. kolourpaint tool cursors)
    No longer creates a cursor surface on Wayland at all if only using
shape cursors, tiny optimization :-)
    Wait for compositor to send a fractional scale, don’t assume 1.0 initially
        apps really shhouldn’t be rendering before exposed with the
right scale and output and all, though

[discussion about dialogs, labs version or "proper" which still has problems]

* I've been doing a bunch of optimization work for KWin:
* KWin is measuring GPU rendering time properly now, so fewer frames
should get dropped when the GPU can keep up
* for when the GPU doesn't keep up, there's which should
help boost GPU clock speeds when needed. It would be great if someone
with an underpowered Intel laptop could test the MR with the linked
kernel patches
* the cursor should now also stutter less when KWin drops frames, and
I'm working on making it not stutter at all
* there's more stuff pending for making KWin ideally not drop frames
in the first place, but that'll take more time to become reality

* main thing is that I've been trying to make sure the
ecm_add_qml_module stuff can be merged, at this point as far as I can
tell things should be fine
* other than that there's some kirigami stuff going on

* KIO, review
        unit test fix:
        deprecation fixes
* Dolphin review and features (latest one middle to open with second
app associated)
* Plasma, I will revisit,
* Kwin will test

* I fixed the SDDM theme
* And then I tested the screenlocker and it was still broken, so I
fixed kscreenlocker wallpaper integration too

* have 5 ready-ish merge requests
* Role stuff in KItemModels, please need this merged
* port p-d to KSortFilterProxyModel
* port remaining QQC1 use
* port p-w to KSortFilterProxyModel
* add HeaderITems to qqc style

* Fixed the powerdevil runner being broken and am in the process of
some more clean-up and enhancements (such as turning screen backlight
* Working on moving brightness handling from the "backend" to a
separate controller class, see
* Once that is done I'm planning to add support for per-monitor
brightness controll, see
* Since then we will have something new in our DBus API, this would be
a good opportunity to port away from data engines in the applet
* Looked into some more backlight related bugs
* Now that upower's main maintainer stepped back, review on from
some KDE people would be helpful in moving this forward
* And perhaps split the brightness stuff out into a new applet
straight away,

* Followed up/fixed some small regressions, some port away from
* And a bit to discuss, gtk developer advised on the sound theme task
against using libcanberra due to being unmantained, an probably
dropped from gtk4
* At the point we're at I think is more of a medium term discussion,
but just to keep tabs on alternatives for the future

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