I recall that we decided in yesterday's Plasma meeting to do it. Now that the Alpha is tarred, we can get started and will have three weeks to port everything before the first Beta/


On 11/4/23 05:57, Nicolas Fella wrote:

I have an open MR that changes how applet's config UI integrates with
the container UI:

See https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-desktop/-/issues/99 for some

The benefits would not only be somewhat cleaner internals but also more
flexibility for the applet itself. Currently the container provides a
scrollview around the config, which is problematic for content that
wants to provide its own scrollview, like the system tray entries page.
See https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace/-/merge_requests/3204

The downside is that we need to touch all applet configs. Most of this
is pretty straight-forward though, replacing the root item with a
SimpleKCM (or other appropriate *KCM type).

With release/freeze coming up we're in a now-or-never situation here.
Should we do a concerted push towards getting this done?



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