On 12/18/23 18:42, Harald Sitter wrote:
With the second p6 beta sneaking up on us I've been pondering the beta

I can't help but think that the windows we've chosen were too long. At
least from a crash tracking POV most of the crash reports we get from
!neon are either of unreasonably low quality (because of improvements
made to drkonqi in the meantime), or already fixed.

I'd like to propose that we push out more betas with shorter windows
in the future.

2 weeks maybe? 1 perhaps even if distros can cope? Or maybe something fibonacci?

Food for thought.

By "in the future" you mean for the 6.0 release or the 6.x releases? In
the past we only had one beta release for the 5.x releases, but I guess
having more than one again could be up for debate

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