On 07/23/2010 09:36 AM, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> Well, first we need to see what do we want exactly.
> From my point of view:
> - fav* resources for an application (to be shown inside the app itself)
> - fav resources independent on application (to be shown in activity kio)
> - fav applications (for launchers)
> - fav resources of a certain type (file, directory, web address, contact...)**
> * fav as in automatically sorted by access times and access count
> ** this one seems least important
> and all of the above should be activity (or something more generic) dependent.

This is all very simple. The only thing we need to run is my scoring
service and then it is just a matter of have the case query which sorts
by this score and combine that with the restrictions you list which can
all be expressed using a single Term.

>> Maybe in a dedicated namespace or even in the Nepomuk::Query namespace
>> as a generic access to typical queries used very often.
> Both are fine with me. Maybe those are too specific to be in
> Nepomuk::Query, but that's essentially your call.

You might be right here. It might be too specific. On the other hand
developers would probably search the query API for standard queries. So
we could also introduce a file standardqueries.h (very much like
kstandardactions) and add the method and the enum to the
Nepomuk::Query::StandardQueries namespace.

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