On August 18, 2010 11:17:53 Jeremy Whiting wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Aaron J. Seigo <ase...@kde.org> wrote:
> > On Tuesday, August 17, 2010, Chani wrote:
> > > so... we had planned to have a little tool for managing the
> > > containments
> > 
> > of
> > 
> > > multiple screens, in 4.5 - but there wasn't time. multiscreen has
> > > improvements, but also regressions - well, *a* regression - you can't
> > > access the containment of a screen that's not plugged in. the same
> > 
> > applies
> > 
> > > to the per-desktop view stuff (they have a lot in common).
> > 
> > is there a list of use cases that must be serviced? your email has lots
> > of "how to do X" in it, but it seems to skip the "why we want to do X".
> The usecase I hit last week was that I usually use two screens, but pulled
> one screen off my desktop to use for a separate machine for
> longer-than-short-term.  Now my main desktop has one screen, with the panel
> on it, but there's a separate containment that had some widgets I'd like to
> remove or move to this screen.  I'm not sure if they are "running" or
> whatever, but in the add widgets dialog there are checkboxes on widgets
> that are not on this screen or my panel.

unf, that reminds me: there's no easy way to move a widget from one desktop-
containment to another in 4.5. you might be able to manage it with keyboard 
shortcuts or via a panel, though.

another issue to be solved someday.

> > > When a screen is disconnected (or in PDV, a desktop removed) the
> > 
> > associated
> > 
> > > containment and view (for each running activity) should be
> > > automatically stopped - and resumed again when the screen/desktop
> > > returns. We can
> > 
> > migrate
> > 
> > > panels, but not desktops, and it doesn't make sense to leave something
> > > running and inaccessible (having to manually stop it would also be
> > 
> > Wrong).
> > 
> > it does make sense to leave something running if one can switch to it,
> > though.
> > if the switcher UI allows the user to do that, then it's probably fine.
> Umm, is there a glossary somewhere of plasma terms? I've no clue what PDV,
> or such mean.

ahh, sorry. community.kde.org might have some?
PDV (PVD?) is the per-virtual-desktop-views setting. aka "different widgets 
per virtual desktop" or something.
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