On Thursday, September 16, 2010, Marco Martin wrote:
> On Thursday 16 September 2010, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > On Thursday, September 16, 2010, Marco Martin wrote:
> > > as i said, i don't think would really simplify the learning curve,
> > > because one would have to manage two "types" of javascript, with a
> > > difference between them that is quite an implementation detail (being
> > > on two engines)
> > 
> > is it possible to include() other JS scripts from a QML Plasmoid package?
> > because that's really what i'm most concerned about -> being able to use
> > the JS API we have now to drive the QML.
> it is possible to include separate js files, yes
> and as far i know, all we can do to reuse our api is to register qobjects
> with our api with properties/signals/invokables.

hm.. hopefully that's not too limiting for us.

> AppletInterface works pretty well there, one can just register it t the
> root context as "plasmoid" and everything (almost) just works.


> it is not possible to override plasmoid functions in javascript with things
> like plasmoid.dataUpdated = function() as far i know, but i could be wrong,
> i don't thik we really need this tough.

it's probably avoidable now that we have event listeners and the ability to 
connect random functions and objects to signals and what not. overriding 
functions in plasmoid is indeed probably avoidable now, but it will be 
desirable with other objects.

> i -think- most of our bindings in javascript/simplebindings/  aren't of
> much use, since they use qscriptvalues, that is another thing that if it's
> used is buried pretty deep, all you pass around seems to be a simple
> qvariant, so simple thngs like colors,rects,sizes seems to just work.

yes, i'm not so concerned about simpmle things like colors, etc. but 
consistency with things like DataEngines, Services, AddOns, Extensions, etc.  
it would be great to avoid having two different ways to, for example, respond 
to events such as addonCreated.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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