On Tuesday 28 September 2010 08:49:28 Julian Bäume wrote:
> I’ve seen something similar in libkdegames (look for KGameSvgDocument,
> somewhat different approach, but one could do similar things) and I really
> want to have something like that myself.

It allows much more manipulation. A very nice thing for games but to much for 
plasma. I don't think that we need more then replacing styles here. On the 
other side, this should be enaugh for most games too. Coloring the player 
would be possible if we extend Plasma::Svg so one can set the used stylesheet.

> What I’ve been thinking about is a way to highlight certain elements in the
> SVG DOM, preferably using the system palette. ATM I’m using Qt’s highlight
> mechanism, which draws a frame around the selected item. This looks
> somewhat ugly ;) So please go ahead, I‘m eager to see, what you come up
> with.

This should be possible with KGameSvgDocument, as I understand it.
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