On Wednesday 20 October 2010 12:28:50 Giorgos Tsiapaliokas wrote:
> thank you for your answers
> your guidiance was very helpful.
> i looked at the websvn and i found more javascripts plasmoids than c++
> plasmoids.
> this means that complicated plasmoids need c++ and the easiest one needs
> javascript?
> for the moment i will start reading the qt tutorials.
> There's no "Plasma developer" tag that someone attaches to your front after
> > you do some particular things. Simply work on it :)Since, however, it
> > might take a bit to understand how plasma works, i think it's easier to
> > start working on a fairly simple plasmoid, either fixing a big or
> > creating a new applet.
> yes i realized that,i was more familiar with the gentoo dev hieracy than
> kde's.
> i know that there are 2 IDEs for kde,
> qt creator and kdevelop
> with of theses two do u recommend me to use????
It depends on your needs. If you want to start developing a C++ plasmoid then 
KDevelop has a template for it (i.e. a minimal project for you to get 
But as we said previously C++ is not the easiest nor the safest way to make 

I think you are not taking the right steps. You should first see where in 
plasma you want to get invoved. You said plasma, what in plasma do you want to 
do? do you have a specific plasmoid need/idea? (there are already lots of them) 
Anything else?
Then you will look at the appropriate tools and language for it.


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