On Friday, October 22, 2010 21:57:11 todd rme wrote:
> Wow, that looks really good!  A couple of things:
> I think the affect is a bit overdone, especially in the oxygen theme.
> You don't want it to jump out too much, but you also don't want it to
> take too much effort for someone to pick it out from the background,
> either.  I personally have trouble picking out the new clock in oxygen
> without some focus, while in all other pictures (new and old) it jumps
> out at me so I can read it at a glance.
> Can you post some screenshots of how it looks when it isn't in a panel?

I'll do that after some more tweaking, others have come up with nice ideas as 
well, I think we're on to something.

> Are you sure embossed is the right effect?  I personally think a
> sunken look would be better, especially with the panel looking like it
> is convex.  If it isn't too much trouble, screenshots of both for
> comparison might be good.

It's very subtle, and it's not quite clear wether it's emboss or shadow, at 
least without blurring the backdrop.

> Is there any way to make it so themes can specify whether it embossed,
> sunken, or flush?  Some themes, like ASCII or ghost, would probably
> look better without the effect.

Hm, yes probably.

> Maybe they can specify the colors for
> emboss/sinking as well.  You might even be able to make it
> configurable on a per-widget basis, but I am not sure you want another
> config option.

I'm pretty sure actually: no way. :-) (Meaning, it has to be good enough for 
all themes, which is hopefully achievable.)

Anyway, I'll play some more with it, suggestions are of course still welcome. 
(And I hope they don't exceed my graphics coding skills.)

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