On Monday 31 January 2011 20:40:41 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Monday, January 31, 2011, Diego Casella ([Po]lentino) wrote:
> > Panels, in the current implementation, are shared across different
> > activities: what about adding an option like "stick to current activity",
> > in order to achieve different panels for different activities?
> as long as the UI is kept simple, it seems a lot of people would appreciate
> such a feature. are you interested in working on a patch for it?
> first step would be to get it working in plasma-desktop and we can work on
> a config UI for it after that is done. the Activity class would probably
> be the place to add the bookkeeping for this.
This would also be quite handy for some kwin effects. Remember the time when 
we discussed removing the panel in Desktop Grid because we cannot have 
different panels on each desktop?

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