On 01/31/2011 08:51 PM, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> that would require GNOME developers attending with the same goal in mind.
> unfortunately, they have demonstrated repeatedly during gnome-shell
> devleopment that they have no intention to cooperate more. if anything, they
> have demonstrated that they wish to work less with others (and not just KDE,
> btw). no amount of development sprints can force such people into a more
> sensible way of working, they have to want to do so on their own.
> it's a sad state of affairs, and very frustrating indeed, but at this point
> the only answer i can think of is to find others to work with (as we did in
> Canonical with status notifiers) and to discourage people from using GNOME3,
> e.g. by providing something better.

Well, then I guess that the only thing we can do is wait until desktop 
summit and try to push the GNOME developers to collaborate again...

Is understandable that in their current situation they can't be commited 
to any new standard since they don't know their needs, so wait until 
GNOME3 is out sounds reasonable.
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