
I think we're done discussing, so let me try and summarize to make sure
I understand (and everyone can correct me if not :)

      * Adding a field "X-KDE-StatusNotifierItems" to track the IDs of
        items in the desktop files was agreed upon.  Other solutions
        were talked about, but this one seemed as good and relatively
      * Adding a property for the accessible labels for the icons is
        agreed upon but the spec should specifically state that if it is
        not available the title of the tooltip should be used in its
        place.  Also, the narrative text in the spec should talk about
        the usage and differentiation between the two values.
      * KDE is not interested in having the *ShowIn fields to allow for
        app developers to target specific visualizations.  We should
        implement this in the "XCanonical" namespace and mention that it
        won't work on all implementations.

If that's good I'll propose a diff to the spec for those fields.

Thanks everyone for the discussion and ideas!


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