On Sunday 20 February 2011 22:30:01 Beat Wolf wrote:
> Then leave it out during dev, but in when releasing.
I wrote that in my initial mail about the config option.
> I just don't agree that for example nvidia will fix their drivers just
> because kde does not work with some, probably older cards.
They actually fixed quite some bugs after the 4.1 release.

Concerning older cards: KWin will continue to work if the driver does not 
support compositing. It's only about enforcing if the driver supports it.
> But i know that i can't win that debate. But i just know that such a
> decision will cause problems.
We are lucky: we will see the results of GNOME Shell and Unity in April - 
enough time for us to adjust.
> Am Sonntag, 20. Februar 2011, um 22:19:53 schrieb Martin Gräßlin:
> > On Sunday 20 February 2011 22:11:35 Beat Wolf wrote:
> > > On this computer, using the binary nvidia drivers, i could enable
> > > compositing. But due to some nvidia driver bugs, my computer becomes
> > > slugish very fast, which means compositing is not an option.
> > > 
> > > i don't think that the x.org environment is stable enough to be able to
> > > remove a option that lets you work around bugs.
> > 
> > bugs need to be fixed and not worked around.
> > 
> > That is exactly one of the reasons why I want to have it disabled. It's
> > just not an option that something like 4.5 happens ever again! We need to
> > know problems during development and if devs tend to just turning of
> > compositing it will happen again.
> > 
> > > Beat Wolf
> > > 
> > > Am Sonntag, 20. Februar 2011, um 22:06:24 schrieb Martin Gräßlin:
> > > > On Sunday 20 February 2011 22:00:58 Davide Bettio wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > 
> > > > > On 02/20/11 21:57, Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> > > > > > No, while the KCM sucks it will still suck after those three
> > > > > > options have been
> > > > > > removed. It needs a proper redesign, but that is out of the scope
> > > > > > of this thread ;-)
> > > > > 
> > > > > I can't understand the point about removing enable/disable options.
> > > > 
> > > > if we don't want to give the user the possibility to disable, we
> > > > don't need an option to enable/disable.
> > > > 
> > > > Let's turn the question around: why should the user be able to enable
> > > > or disable compositing? What would be a valid reason to do so? And
> > > > keep in mind: with Wayland it will be impossible to turn off
> > > > compositing, same in GNOME Shell, Unity and Mac OS X (don't know
> > > > about Windows).
> > > 
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