On Monday 07 March 2011, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> hi all..
> i just pushed a new branch to kde-workspace called plasma/tasksmodel.
> given a TaskManager::GroupManager it creates a QAbstractItemModel with the
> items in it. i have some more improvements planned for tomorrow (right now
> it's a little inneficient given that it reloads the whole model whenever
> anything changes; it also doesn't update items inside of sub-groups when
> they change), but hopefully it will be completed by the end of the day.
> that should bring us a step closer to being able to QML the tasks widget :)

big thumbs up, i'll try to throw a simple plasmoid in it later today, then i 
think the plasmoid could be handed out to some young, willing hero that would 
like to learn QML while doing something that will be very central

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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