On Monday 21 March 2011, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Sunday, March 20, 2011, Marco Martin wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > unfortunately there weren't many people to the meeting for the
> > educational desktop gsoc.
> yes, sorry i couldn't make it; i uexpectedly ended up stuck out in the
> countryside w/out internet yesterday afternoon.

itàs not an ugly place whre being stuck çp

> > to have condensed in a couple of bullet points, it's:
> > * preconfigured activities as i seen in the ideas already is ok
> > * remote control, that would be for what apps are available/what activity
> > we're in right now (protocol of remote widgets could work, or something
> > else could be needed)
> > * a list of launchers and the current activity should be controllable by
> > the teacher
> > * application on teacher computer used for controlling
> > * ready to use layouts for the desktop and netbook shells
> > * current shells should be enough, fork--
> i don't know if it was covered in the meeting:
>       http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Classroom
> the bullet points above mesh with it very well, in any case.
> i don't think remote widgets will work for this, at least not for the
> desktop layouts.

wasn't thinking much at the whole layout rather to just some plasmoids taking 
data from a remote dataengine.
like a panel with icon launchers, that would take the launcher list from the 
teache pc and not being editable by the student.

for this, it would be needed a local plasmoid connection to a remote engine 
rather than the pair remote plasmoid/engine

Marco Martin
Plasma-devel mailing list

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