Hey Aleix,

On Friday, April 15, 2011 15:55:22 Aleix Pol wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Sebastian Kügler <se...@kde.org> wrote:
> > ... and then still we probably want to move away from QWidget-based
> > dialogs in Active altogether.
> > 
> > For Plasmate, QWidget-based UIs do not play a role, other than that it
> > will fall back to those where we're lacking suitable apps.
> > 
> > More interesting would be to look at lighthouse, and Qt Creator for
> > parts
> > which would make hacking QML easier.

> I guess it would be good if we can integrate the tools to
> KDevelop/KDevPlatform somehow, as well.
> If we can help you in any way, maybe that would be interesting.

Yep, maybe we can sit together during BDS to talk about how and where kdevelop 
are overlapping, and how we can join.

My gut feeling suggests that we'd be more likely to integrate kdevelop pieces 
into Plasmate (but that's my biased POV probably), since Plasmate is very much 
a workflow-driven tool, so for the purpose of plasmate, kdevelop's UI is 
probably a bad choice. That's not a problem, just something we have to keep in 
mind, Plasmate and KDevelop serve similar goals and target groups (maybe 
comparable to Quanta vs. KDevelop).

In any case, sharing and collaboration is good. :)


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