On Wednesday 04 May 2011 12:35:27 Samikshan Bairagya wrote:
> Hi, I am interested in participating in the season of KDE with a project
> idea which is related to the Digital-Clock Plasma Applet.
> While the Digital-Clock applet does show events (mainly holidays) it can be
> put to better use if we add more features to it.
> This is the idea:
> On clicking on any date from the calendar that pops up from the clock, we
> should be able to view more
> information related to that date(past or future). Various date specific
> informations like chat-logs, browsing history, emails
> received/sent, birthdays, to-dos/appointments also notes if we do wish to
> write them down.
> I suppose this would be great. Regarding implementation I think integration
> with Kontact, Nepomuk. Well I about the
> chat logs I am not sure if integration should be done with telepathy or
> not. So, it would be great if anyone interested could
> mentor me throughout this. :)
> Cheers,

Hi Samikshan,

A nice idea, but unfortunately one that is already being worked on.  At the 
moment we have both Holidays and Akonadi support in the Plasma Calendar 
widget, which will give us full PIM data integration once the kdepim migration 
is complete.  We also already have a GSoC project this year for Zeitgeist 
integration into Plasma which will give us the other data, albeit not yet in 
the calendar.  If you do want to try adding it to the calendar then pop back 
after GSoC and use the new dataengine to do so.

Have a look at the 


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