> you can, but think about the structure of a dbus service that maps to the
> wallpapers in a multiple-containment layout. i doubt we'd end up with a nice
> single "setWallpaper" method without it being rather simplified (e.g. only
> possible to set the wallpaper for the current desktop, current screen and
> current containment).
> while we could do this, it would only be used for setting wallpapers and would
> not be at all a full dbus interface to plasma-desktop. given one can drag 'n
> drop things onto the desktop and get more accurate and interesting options
> there, i'm not convinced its worth it.
> --
> Aaron J. Seigo

I guess I could just spend the time and effort to retrain her on how
to do wallpapers, I was just looking at if from the perspective of
it's expected behaviour to right click picture and set it as a
backgound, people do it in internet explorer, firefox, and why
wouldn't you be able to do it when viewing a image preview in dolphin.
Coming from a Windows/Mac world she can click on multiple images and
create a slide show for backgrounds, she's not the first person or
will she be the last that will expect at least similar functionality.
I wasn't even asking for that functionality, just the means to
implement it myself as it used to be possible with dcop. I guess I
could just tell her, that she's doing it wrong and take the Apple
iPhone approach of we're better then the rest so do it our way or get
dropped calls, but I kinda don't feel like lying to myself as I am
surprised myself by your answer. With all the ECMA scripting and
possibilities in KDE/Plamsa simply changing the background is not
possible through a simple desktop file? I don't mean to be
inflammatory, but it just seems like a point was missed some where.

Regardless, thanks for all your hard work I know this is just a little
annoyance in what is a very nice desktop environment.

Kind Regards,

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