Am Montag, 4. Juli 2011, 15:35:51 schrieben Sie:
> Hi,
> On Monday, June 27, 2011 19:20:04 Jonathan Raphael Joachim Kolberg wrote:
> > I’ve got an wired problem. My Plasmoid [1] works if it is displayed via
> > plasma-windowed, but it won’t work if you use it in plasma-desktop.
> > Since I was not able to figure out what I have done wrong, I send this
> > mail with a request for help (pointing me on the problem)
> What do you mean by "won't work"?
> Is your plasmoid installed? I think plasma-windowed can load it from a
> package in your filesystem, but plasma-desktop won't find it then (since it
> only looks for packages in certain locations). Installing can be done with
> "plasmapkg -i yourpackage.plasmoid"
> > [1]
> Cheers,
Yes it’s installed, but the qml webview doesn’t load the page, while in
plasma-windowed this works.

Regards Jonathan

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